Manifesting Abundance with Affirmations

Manifesting Abundance with Affirmations

In order to continue manifesting abundance in your life you have to be aware of the thoughts you think and the words you speak. When you have thoughts running through your mind, those thoughts eventually come out your mouth. It is very important that the words you speak are ones that serve you and your goals. Be sure to avoid saying things like “I can’t do that” or “I’m no good at that”. Even if you aren’t as good as you want to be and may have trouble doing something, you need to speak words that get you closer to what you want. You can say instead something like “I can do that with a little more practice” or “I’m getting better at that everyday”.

You don’t have to constantly be thinking pollyannaish thoughts, but it is more helpful to manifesting abundance if you monitor your thoughts and try to redirect your thinking if you are having negative thoughts.

You can usually tell you are having negative thoughts when you notice you are feeling bad. If you are frustrated or irritated or afraid you can pretty much guess that you are having negative thoughts and asking yourself negative questions. For example you might be asking yourself things like “how could this happen to me” or “why did that person do that to me” or “what if it doesn’t work out for me”.

You can stop yourself and look for the good in any given situation and ask yourself better questions like “how can I feel relaxed about this and let it go” or “how can I understand this person better and forgive them” or “how can I be confident and take action”.

To use positive affirmations you need to make a list of the things you want. Next write down a statement for each thing you want and write it in a way that is a positive statement and in the present. For example, you could write down “I am at the perfect weight for my body to be healthy and productive” or “I have a loving and supportive partner” or “I make enough money to easily pay for all the things I want and need”.

Go through your list at least once a day and speak your positive statements out loud. Just thinking positive thoughts is helpful but manifesting abundance really starts to happen quickly when you speak your affirmations often. You can use the same affirmations for as long as you want or until you see that certain result in your life. You may find you want to change your affirmations or add new ones. Keep your affirmations in a private place and only share them with someone else if they are supportive of the things you want to manifest.

The more you speak your affirmations the faster you will be manifesting abundance into your life.

To learn more about manifesting abundance with affirmations check out this great book.

Click Here
Create Your Own Affirmations

Creative Affirmations

Create Your Own Affirmations

Click Here to learn more about a great resource for making manifesting abundance with visualization fun and easy and Get 6 FREE pre-made Mind Movies

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