Manifesting Abundance and Three Wishes for Cinderella

If you want to be manifesting abundance in your life you need to use your thoughts and focus on the things you want. Your thoughts create your reality. What you focus on increases in your life.

I don’t know actually when I first discovered these principles but I think I’ve known about them for a long time. I just didn’t really know how to apply them to my life to consistently get the results I desired until now. When I was about nine or ten years old, I saw a movie about a girl who lived in a forest. It was kind of a Cinderella based story but instead of a pumpkin and a fairy godmother, she had these three magic nuts. Now I don’t really remember the rest of the story but she met her prince and some other nice stuff happened to her. But the reason I’m telling you about this movie is because it gave me an idea. One day I found some acorns and decided to pretend that they were magic acorns. I remember I popped the top off one acorn and threw it over my shoulder and made a wish. My wish was not that grand as I was just a ten year old kid so I wished we could have pizza for dinner.

Now we had pizza occasionally at our house but it always seemed to be such a treat to me as a kid to get take out pizza. So as things happened that night my mother was wondering what to prepare for dinner. Since I made my wish earlier in the day I was looking for the opportunity for my wish to come true. I asked my mother if we could have pizza and she said sure. My wish came true. Now you might not think that it is incredibly noteworthy that we had pizza that night but the point is I had learned to focus my thoughts on a goal and asked for what I wanted and made that goal a reality. I made two other wishes that day. I think my other wishes were something like a certain toy from the store and something else. I don’t remember what, but I do remember that each wish came true that same day because I asked for and got what I wanted and it was effortless. I didn’t have to whine or nag or throw a fit to get my way. I just knew what I wanted, asked and then received.

That’s how it works when manifesting abundance. You get clear about what you want and why. You ask and then you go about your business and it will appear.

P.S. As I was writing this article I did a search for that Cinderella movie and I found it. It is a Czech and German language movie and it looks like it has beautiful cinematography. I found that they sell a dvd of it on Amazon so I think I will go purchase it and relive some old memories. The universe must be trying to tell me something because as I was also looking for this movie Three Nuts for Cinderella or Three Wishes for Cinderella as it is also called, my 18 month old hands me the pizza pan and says “ZZ” “ZZ” apparently he wants me to cook him some pizza. Did I just manifest that? Well, I think I’ll go cook some pizza and grant his wish and mine too. This manifesting abundance is easier than I thought.

Manifesting Abundance and Three Wishes for Cinderella

Three Wishes for Cinderella

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Three Wishes for Cinderella

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