Law of Attraction and Manifestation

Law of Attraction and ManifestationIf you have seen the movie The Secret or have been hearing about the Law of Attraction and Manifestation, you may be wondering how you can really attract or manifest the things you want.  It may seem like pie in the sky or hocus pocus but it is a real phenomenon. We attract into our lives what we focus on and manifest the things that we desire through our thoughts, emotions and feelings.

The law of attraction is based on the law of vibration which states that everything in the universe is energy and that everything is in a constant state of motion or vibration.  The law of attraction states that like attracts like, so things that vibrate at a harmonic frequency are attracted to each other.  If you have thoughts of joy and peace then you will be vibrating at a higher frequency and joyful and peaceful things will become attracted to you.

When you control your thoughts you control your vibration and can manifest the things you desire by matching the vibration.  You do this in primarily two ways.  The first way is to focus on your desires.  You can set an intention to have a desired result or thing come into your life.  When you focus on what you want you start to become in tune or harmony with it.  The second way is to maintain an expectation that you will receive what you have asked for, in fact, it is already yours and is on its way to you.  This keeps you in that vibration or frequency and manifestation is assured.

You can focus on your desire and then simply release it.  The choice is up to you.  Your thoughts and emotions will bring about the result.  Have you ever been at a fine restaurant and ordered a meal and then became engrossed in a conversation with your dining partner? Remember how quickly the meal seemed to be served?  Have you ever ordered dessert and anticipated its arrival?  Did you ever focus on how tasty the crème brulee would be or how decadent the chocolate cake would taste?  Did you enjoy that experience as well?  You probably didn’t worry that they wouldn’t have what you ordered or bother the waiter to make sure they got your order right, you just enjoyed yourself.  That’s the way manifesting should be.  You decide what type of food you want to eat (set your intention), you go to a restaurant that serves what you want (get in harmony with your desire), you tell the waiter what you want (focus on your desire) and then let the chef prepare your meal (go about enjoying your life).

The key to the law of attraction and manifestation is to stay in the vibration of your desire by focusing your thoughts in a positive way and with emotion.  If you have doubts or thoughts that your desire is delayed in manifesting, you can slow or stop the process.   The quickest way to your manifestation is to focus on your desire and then enjoy yourself.

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