You are a Powerful Creator in a Vibrational Universe

You are a creator. You create your reality by the thoughts you think. How is this so you ask? How can your thoughts create things?

You live in a vibrational universe. Everything that exists is in motion and vibrates. We are all one consciousness and we are all connected. Things that are alike vibrate at a similar frequency. Everything is eternal. You are eternal. Nothing appears or disappears. It all exists at all times. Then how do you create something new? You gather things of like vibration to create something new. All things come and go in and out of form but nothing is ever lost.

You gather or attract the things you want by your attention to them. Everything already exists the moment it is thought. You must vibrate at a similar frequency to attract the things you are thinking about and then they manifest. You can tell whether your vibration is a match to what you want by how you are feeling. When you feel good you are vibrating and attracting good. When you feel otherwise you are attracting similar manifestations.

If you want to be the powerful creator you truly are, you just need to remember that you are. You have the ability to focus on anything you want. You can create by default by just allowing anything that is already in your experience to demand your focus or you can create by design or intent. You can intend the things you want into your experience. Decide to use your power to attract the best of life and the things you desire. When you focus on the things and ideas that make you feel good you attract more good feeling things into your life.

How can you focus on good feeling things when there are bad feeling things in your experience too? It’s like a glass that is half full or half empty. You just have to keep adding more into the glass until it is full. You can’t get rid of the empty half you have to add more to the full half until it is all full. That’s how you eliminate the lack of things in your life. You can’t remove the lack, you have to add to the plenty.

This is how you eliminate the things you perceive as negative in your life. You change how you think about them or you think about more positive things. Sometimes it is a difficult to go from a really negative thought to a really positive thought. You have to ease your way into the new vibration. Think things that are just a little bit better until you are at a really great feeling thought. Another way is to just think about something totally unrelated that feels good.

In this way you regain access to your personal power. You are the only one who can feel what you are feeling. Others may have empathy for what you are feeling but they can’t feel for you. This is your life and this is where your power lies. You get to decide how you feel in any moment. Now is the only time you have. The past is over and the future has not come yet but your now does influence the future. Yet at any time you can change your future. Just start now. Decide now that you will take responsibility for everything that happens in your life. And I mean everything. While you may not have been consciously aware of what you were doing in the past, that was your now and it affected your future. If you want to have a better outcome in your future nows you must realize that you and only you can do it.

You do it by focusing now on the things you want to attract into your life. You let the things that don’t please you now go. You feel your way to better feeling thoughts. When you do this now then you are lining up all the good you want to start showing up in your experience. You are in charge of your thoughts not the other way around. Pick the thoughts that feel good when you think them and the matching manifestations will begin to appear. You will be attracting them to you and you will be the powerful creator you intended to be.

The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent: Living the Art of Allowing

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