What is intuition and how do you develop your own intuitive skills?

Intuition is that inner sight or knowing that you have that tells you when something is the right choice for you or not. Some people are really good at using their intuitive skills to enhance their lives. If you want to know how to develop your intuition it is quite simple. It’s like anything else you do, you get better at receiving insights the more you practice looking for, listening to and focusing on them. All you need is some proper instruction and a desire to use your intuition on an everyday basis to help you know which choices you need to make to better your life.

Intuition usually comes to you in a flash or inspiration. It is something you just all of a sudden know or a thought that just pops into your head. The key is to take notice of these thoughts when they happen. The more you pay attention to them the more of them you will experience. Have you ever ignored your intuition and then had to deal with an unpleasant circumstance? You can avoid this in the future if you notice those tiny hints you receive and take the necessary action they are prompting you to take.

Developing this inner skill can also help you solve problems. If you take some time to focus on finding a solution to some challenge you are experiencing and then let it go, you will find that an answer will suddenly appear soon afterwards. It comes more frequently and quickly when you take time to go to that calm quiet place in your mind where you relax and let your thoughts flow. If you do this consistently and pay attention more often you will notice more messages that point the way to the answers you want and need.

Intuition is more than instinct or a rational reason for knowing something. Instinct is usually something more physical like knowing when to sleep or eat or pulling your hand away from heat. Intuition is more of an irrational knowing of a truth that you can only sense from inside of you. There are many ways that your insight or inspiration will come to you. It may come by way of some unexpected event or through your senses. For example it may be your sense of sound, something just doesn’t sound right or it definitely rings a bell for you. It might be through your sense of sight, you just can’t see it happening or it looks like it’s going to be perfect. It could be in your sense of touch, you get shivers down your back or feel warm all over. It might be your sense of smell, it just doesn’t smell right or a sweet fragrance fills the air. Or maybe it could even be your sense of taste, something leaves a bad taste in your mouth or you want something so much you can taste it and are drooling over it.

The answer you are seeking is provided to you when you focus on your question and then release it with a sense of gratitude that it will come. This is an important step because gratitude will activate your positive energy and will enable you to take the actions necessary to make the improvements you desire.

Let your intuition guide you when you have a decision to make. Trust your gut feeling and you will be pleasantly surprised at the results.

To learn more about intuition and how to develop your own intuitive skills click the link below for your free pdf report Unlock Your Intuition by Aine Belton.


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