The Law of Thinking – Thoughts Become Things

“As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.”
Prov. 23:7

You may have heard or read a lot lately about the Law of Attraction which has been brought to the attention of the world through the movie The Secret. There are several other laws that govern our universe as well. One of those laws is the Law of Thinking. Whereas the law of attraction states that like attracts like, the law of thinking states that our thoughts attract like thoughts and thereby the ruling mental state or thoughts we hold continuously in our minds will govern our life’s outcomes.

It is well accepted that our thoughts determine our actions and our actions determine our outcomes. When you hold a thought in your mind it is based on your point of view whether positive or negative. This point of view determines your ruling mental state. In other words, your beliefs about things affect your behaviors and thereby your outcomes.

We are affected by our senses but our senses are significantly affected by our beliefs. We see what we believe. We tend to only believe what is familiar or what we have already experienced many times in our past. Something new may not be accepted or believed. New input to the senses will be filtered through our past experiences and so we may never properly process such input until it becomes familiar to us and we create a new belief about it through repeatedly being exposed to the same familiar input. That is why similar thoughts attract more similar thoughts and our beliefs are formed to support our point of view. If we can change our thoughts, our beliefs change and what we view changes with it.

Thought is infinite. You will never run out of thoughts, there will always be the next thought after the previous one. Our thoughts affect every aspect of our lives and attract more of what we are thinking about to us. Thoughts of good attract more good into our lives. The reverse is also true. But we do not have to banish negative thoughts or fight them off. It is enough to just hold positive thoughts as much as possible and the negative thoughts will be crowded out and have no place in our minds. Do not fear because when we fear something we are focusing our attention on it and we will be attracting it into our lives. You must have courage in the face of fears and the fear will disappear. Watch what seeds of thought you plant in your mind for they will grow and reproduce.

Our thoughts are powerful and like every cause have an effect. Do our thoughts control us or do we control our thoughts? Is your mind orderly and disciplined? If you follow the natural laws of the order of the universe you will receive good and orderly results in your life. If you have disorderly or haphazard thoughts you will attract disorder and chaos into your life instead. All perceived problems are first perceived in the mind so that is where we must begin to make adjustments to see the changes we wish to see appear in our lives. Disorganization leads to disintegration and negativity. Have a plan and design for your thoughts and follow it daily with discipline. Plan your day and decide ahead of time the small steps you need to take each day to get you to your desired result.

Decide what you want. Plan out what steps you need to take to obtain your goal in the desired time frame. Work every day on the task at hand and keep your mind focused on the results that you would like to achieve. Thoughts are things and the thoughts you hold in your mind become the things in your life.

If you would like to learn more about the other laws of the universe that will help you manifest abundance and anything else you desire in your life you can learn more in Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey’s program the 11 Forgotten Laws which is an excellent program based on the book Working with the Law by Raymond Holliwell. Click the link below to find out more.

The Eleven Forgotten Laws

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