Money Must Circulate to Grow

One of the principles in manifesting abundance is to recognize the abundance you already have in your life. We all have gifts and talents and resources that we can share with others. What good is it to have a lovely singing voice if you never use it and no one else gets to hear it. You have to share it with others for your talent to grow and others to recognize it.

It is the same with money as it is with our talents, as a matter of fact in the bible money is sometimes referred to as a talent. You may remember the story in the bible of the master with the talents. He gave one of his servants five talents, another two talents and another one talent. The servant with the five talents invested them and multiplied them two fold. When the master returned he was well pleased. The second servant did very well with his talents as well, but the third servant was fearful and hid his talent. When the master returned he was very angry that the third servant had not even put the talent to use enough to get his interest back. He took the one talent from the third servant and gave it to the servant with the ten talents. So the servant who used his talents the most was given even more.

Money is meant to be given out and used so that it can grow. Sometimes we are fearful that we might lose money or waste money but in an abundant universe with a never-ending supply of all good things we need to banish this fear from our lives. We need to give of our time and make the effort, even when we think it may be a waste of time. It is better to try and fail than to never try at all. I heard a quote somewhere that goes something like this, if you shoot for the moon and miss, you at least end up in the stars.

In the past, I’ve been somewhat of a tight wad. Never wanting to waste money on anything, I was often penny wise and pound foolish as they say. Now I have a different and I believe better attitude that says that if I am in tune with what my goal and purpose is in life then I will know where to invest my time, money and effort. This way everything I spend contributes to the overall good and thereby cannot be a waste. It is the fodder that primes the pump and gets things moving in the right direction, it breaks the grip of fear of failure and boy does it feel good to take those actions I’ve been longing to take and finally see the results.

So if there is something that you have been wanting to do but have thought, well that might cost some money or that might take up too much of my time or it probably won’t work anyway. Stop thinking that and Go For It. Think about how many stupid things you’ve bought that are hanging in your closet right now that you never wear and how much they cost. If you spent $100 on a jacket or a pair of shoes and they just collect dust, wouldn’t it be worth spending that $100 on a course that teaches you how to do something you’ve always wanted to try? Or maybe it’s not even something that costs money. Why not take a night out of your busy week and go volunteer at the nearby soup kitchen or homeless shelter.

Get out of your comfort zone and take a step towards achieving a long desired goal. Do something you’ve never done. Buy a book on a subject you’ve never read about before. Donate money to a cause that touches you. Get things moving, stir things up and the universe will bring back to you waves of abundance like you’ve never seen before.

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